Attention [Name]:

We noticed that your current balance is down to 30% of
what you initially started with.
Your balance: [$00.00]

This can happen due to market fluctuations or the performance of the traders you are copying. To continue maximizing your trading opportunities, we recommend considering the following options:

Step 1 Top up your balance to maintain your trading activities.
Step 2 Review and adjust your copying rules.
Step 3 Explore and copy other top-performing traders on our platform.
Top Traders
# Trade name Subscr. Profit
1 Juddar T. 1 $30,000
2 Mark S. 1 $21,454
3 Jakobwef S. 5 $12,164

Remember, the market can be unpredictable, but diversification and strategic adjustments can help you stay on track.