Vitaliy D |
Success manager at Raceoption |
Hello, {{Name}}! |
My name is Vitaliy and I am a success manager on a trading platform - Raceoption. We
noticed that you have not completed your registration on our trading platform yet.
As a bonus, I am offering you an extra $100 USD added to your balance to get started!
⚠️ Redeem this promo code within next 48 hours.
Complete your
registration now and take the first step towards financial success! |
Here are
some recommendations on how to successfully start trading even if you had no previous
experience: |
Step 1 |
Don’t skip a FREE platform guide.
We are sharing top 7 tips how to use a platform.
Step 2 |
Choose a Silver or Gold
account type to get access to the
exclusive features that will greatly increase your
chances for high profits with minimal experience.
Step 3 |
Take advantage of a Free Demo
Account to practice your trading skills
Step 4 |
Try Copy trading to learn from
TOP traders and make your first
profits with no experience needed.
Step 5 |
Start with the most profitable time frames &
Assets when trading options. |
We remind you that you have been assigned a personal support manager to assist you with
any questions or concerns you may have, and to help you achieve your trading goals. |