Vitaliy D
Success manager at Videforex
Hello, {{Name}}!
My name is Vitaliy and I am a success manager on a trading platform - Videforex. We have noticed that you have not completed your registration on our trading platform yet.
As a bonus, I am offering you an extra $100 added to your balance to get started!
⚠️ Redeem this promo code within next 48 hours.
Complete your registration now and take the first step towards financial success!
Here are some recommendations on how to successfully start trading even if you had no previous experience:
Step 1
Don’t skip a FREE platform guide. We are sharing top 7 tips how to use a platform.
Step 2
Choose a Silver or Gold account type to get access to the exclusive features that will greatly increase your chances for high profits with minimal experience.
Step 3
Take advantage of a Free Demo Account to practice your trading skills RISK-FREE.
Step 4
Try Copy trading to learn from TOP traders and make your first profits with no experience needed.
Step 5
Start with the most profitable time frames & Assets when trading options.
We remind you that you have been assigned a personal support manager to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have, and to help you achieve your trading goals.