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Ever wondered about those secrets behind the best strategies for high profits? Well,
wonder no more! 🔥
It would be best to combine the different instruments to make the trading strategy
reliable and beneficial.
One instrument provides the signal, and one or two more
additional trading tools give the confirmation. There is a high possibility that this
signal will be profitable if there are several confirmations.
Let’s give an example. Opening positions in channels, traders usually use the
combination of the candlestick patterns and channel support/resistance area.
As the channel has a directional movement, it’s safe to follow the price trend inside
the channel. Candlesticks' rebound patterns will help you with this.
Nevertheless, not all the channels are even and technically correct. This is the reason
to add the extra horizontal levels to make the signal more secure.
The levels should be previously retested by the price at least one time.
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