Congratulations, {{Name}}! |
Your Turbo Savings balance has
been successfully activated.
Your NET balance has now become an investment that earns daily returns based on your APY
Start date |
End date |
Status |
Type |
22.08.2023 |
- |
Active |
Flexible |
Your Net Balance
$8,739 |
* it will
remain locked for your
convenience and security
Your last 30d Turnover
$8,739 |
* it may
vary depending on your activity
Check when to expect your payout...
How to withdraw my earnings?
Withdrawals from your TurboSavings account are similar to the regular
withdrawals: you submit a request for a specific account, and our finance
team promptly handles it. But remember, while you saving account is active,
you won’t be able to withdraw the funds.