for your skills & talents

IBAN, Cards, Transfers*

Our mission is to revolutionize the way people connect, communicate, and transact in the digital world.
We aim to provide seamless and secure platform that empowers users to build meaningful relationships, share experiences, and conduct transactions effortlessly, all within a trusted and user-friendly environment.
We are enhancing user convenience, foster financial solutions, and promote social interactions while safeguarding privacy and data security.
Protocall is a Talk-to-Earn service providing platform based on the secured customisable messaging app. Our vision is to create a global community where individuals can connect and engage seamlessly, transcending geographical boundaries.
Who are Talents?
Talents are users, who completed onboarding process, as well as KYC procedure in order to verify their identity and have free intention to offer their services to other Protocall users or other Talents via Talent Talks.
What is Talent Talk and how it works?
Talent Talk is a paid call session with Talent, that User can access with Talking Balance. Use these 5 steps as a guide.
1. Top up Talking Balance with any available method in your country.
2. Find desired Talent in the Feed or Talent Search..
3. Agree with Talent on rate and time and ask to start the Talk.
4. Join and enjoy the Talk.
5. Rate it. Repeat!
How can I become a Talent?
Go to Talent Hub and activate your profile. Finish the onboarding steps and verify your identity with KYC.
How can I find / contact the Talent?
You can easily find desired Talent via name, nickname, professional skills or other available filters in Talent Search section.
How can I deposit Talking Balance?
Deposit is made in form of Talking Balance. Deposit method depends on your location, it can be SEPA, CARD, or other.
Calling Balance / Talking Balance / Earning Balance in your Account are always represented as follows: 1 Balance equals to 1 USD, meaning that if you deposited in EUR the epresentation will be recalculated in USD at the exchange rates of
European Central Bank.
We do not charge any commission on deposited amount; however, third party financial intermediary serving the transaction may
apply its own commission or fee for the transaction.
Can I withdraw Talking Balance?
Deposits made in form of Talking Balance aren’t refundable and can’t be exchanged back to fiat.
Can I withdraw Earnings Balance?
Yes you can. In order to receive the Earning Balance payout, Talent can use payment method that is available in the region.
How do I block or report Talent or another user?
1. Open Users profile and choose 3 dots in the right upper corner.
2. Choose block or report and feel free to delete user.
No worries, we will not inform this user on your decision.
How do I deactivate my account?
1. Go to your Profile
2. Open Privacy and Security
3. Delete Account
You will need to provide code sent to the email you were registering with, as well as 2F authentication in case it was turned on.